Brand safari: why brands should save their logos

Numerous brands have animals as their logos, emblems or mascots. Those animals were carefully picked because of the values they embody or the feelings they awaken in their audience. They help build the brand visual identity and increase engagement amongst customers. On this little brand safari you can spot: Bacardi’s bat; Redbull’s bull; Puma’s puma; Twitter’s bird; Japan Airlines’ crane; NBC’s peacock; Dove’s dove; Abercrombie & Fitch’s moose; Camel’s camel; Ferrari and Porsche’s horses; Dodge’s ram; Playboy’s bunny; The Laughing…

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& Fashion

Gianluca Billo, Managing Director of Nomen Italy, tells us about the macro naming trends in fashion in his column “Naming Trends” in the Pubbico Today.   The fashion world has developed, over time, two major naming trends, identifiable with two well-defined types. The more traditional brand made ??of a name + surname (or surname only) is reminiscent of high fashion and has become a genre, a code: name and surname of the creator, designer, entrepreneur, reference to the house. Whereas…

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Is It Branding Or Is It Marketing?

Not that long ago we exhibited at the Great British Business Show / Business Startup Show in London(some of you might even have come to chat with us?). Well to be perfectly honest with you, this event made me realise that many people misunderstand what branding is; in fact, I would say that it is more of a confusion than a real misunderstanding. If you feel unsure about what branding is or if you would simply like a refresher course,…

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