Is It Branding Or Is It Marketing?

Not that long ago we exhibited at the Great British Business Show / Business Startup Show in London(some of you might even have come to chat with us?). Well to be perfectly honest with you, this event made me realise that many people misunderstand what branding is; in fact, I would say that it is more of a confusion than a real misunderstanding. If you feel unsure about what branding is or if you would simply like a refresher course,…

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How a certain style of name allows you to tell a story with your brand

A brand is like a book I like to compare brands with books (you can also compare brands with films if you want). You see, your brand name is just like the title of a book: it is important because it will often be the first contact customers will have with your brand. During this first contact phase it is important to get customers interested; and if you give them a title/brand name that is interesting enough they will be…

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Brand names that make you smile

Just like our emotions and thoughts can affect our behaviour (when we are sad we cry, and when we are happy we smile and laugh), our behaviour can affect our emotions and thoughts. I am sure that you have even experienced it before without necessarily being aware of it. Have you ever tried to act as a happy person and to make an effort to smile more at a time when you were feeling a bit down? If you have,…

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How adopting a bold naming strategy can make your life easier

What is one of the major problems facing companies when they want to expand their range of products or services? To find a name that is relevant for the range and that hasn’t been taken by the competition yet! This problem usually comes in two different forms. The first one: company A develops and is about to launch, say, a product in one or a few more markets but doesn’t think of expanding further. Fine. They choose a name that…

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