How do you name a brand?

Starting a business, launching a new product or simply looking for a new start; those are a few of the reasons that lead people to seek names for their brands. Once the decision to look for a name has been made, the next obvious question is: How do you name a brand? In the past, traditionally, most companies would take their founder’s name – usually because the companies would be passed from father to son for generations. On top of…

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4 Approaches to Mergers & Acquisitions Naming

The feeling towards the mergers and acquisitions market seems optimistic for 2014, with most investment banks reporting growing numbers of deals in the pipeline. These landmark events for firms aim to create synergies, and brand value is a crucial factor, however only around half of these attempts actually succeed. One of the most common reasons for failure is conflict between the two entities, and it’s no surprise this is linked to the biggest killer for brands – brand confusion. Clear,…

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When should you start thinking about a name?

There are very different ideas about when you need to think about naming your new product.  Some might have a name when the idea is but a twinkle in someone’s eye; others might have everything but the name to show to investors in a couple of weeks.  Is there an ideal time to start considering names, and if so, when is it? It is important to allow enough time to obtain the right name.  Naming is a surprisingly lengthy process:…

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How adopting a bold naming strategy can make your life easier

What is one of the major problems facing companies when they want to expand their range of products or services? To find a name that is relevant for the range and that hasn’t been taken by the competition yet! This problem usually comes in two different forms. The first one: company A develops and is about to launch, say, a product in one or a few more markets but doesn’t think of expanding further. Fine. They choose a name that…

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